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The Arcades of Celestua were a once bustling center of commerce.  At the height of the market season thousands would migrate to Celestua in the hopes of selling their wares.  Several thousand more would filter through the narrow marketplace daily looking for both common and uncommon items and artifacts, the latter being what the Arcades were famous for.  It is said that if an adventurer was looking for a rare, legendary, or mythical item the Arcades would be their best hope of finding it as long as they were willing to pay the price named by its vendor.


The Arcades were constructed in Celestua as a center of commerce.  The hope was that the Arcades would offer a faction-free even trading ground for all.  Celestua was chosen for its central location as well as its expansive coast which allowed for several ports.   At the time no one predicted how successful the Arcades would be as both a center of commerce and a neutral location for diplomacy. The Arcades continued to grow in popularity over the course of 400 years until the Godking Mandri declared Celestua as an enemy of the throne.  The Godking saw the Arcades as a center of activity for those individuals unwilling to pledge fealty to his throne.  The success of Mandri’s assault on the Arcades can be witnessed to this day as all that remains of the once great Arcades are a few standing columns and piles of charred rubble.  


Rumor has it that the Arcades were where Sir Thomas Alexander of Estua first wrapped his hands around the Great Sword of Atema.  The rumor alleges that before his great adventure Sir Thomas came upon a lonely beggar man in Celestua who begged for Sir Thomas to save his daughter from her indentured servitude.  The beggar stated that as a penniless man he was only able to offer his last earthly possession in return.  The beggar refused to show the item or declare its nature, because of this years had passed and he was denied assistance by thousands of adventurers.  Sir Thomas, sympathizing with the beggar, decided to risk his life and through cunning, bravery, and a great act of heroism was able to save the beggar’s daughter.  Upon reuniting father and daughter Sir Thomas was awarded the Great Sword of Atema as well as the daughter’s hand in marriage which he kindly refused.

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- Alaria Leteva Xanu
